Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Calling all smokers 40+ in the Boston area!

I'm looking to do an in-dept piece on an individual who uses marijuana/relies on medical uses over the age of 40. I'm just looking for some of your time, meet up in your home or somewhere informal to get a look at the "trend" that's presenting itself. See:

If you are interested or know someone I should get in contact with, please reply to

Thank you all!

Sunday, February 7, 2010


The last time I posted was 4 months ago but I thought I should say:

Handheld vacuums are a good substitute for an ashtray, just suck the dead bowl right out!

Also, I should have put a donate button on here back in the day when I was active and maybe I could have bought a vaporizer.

I guess this blog is kind of dead, and I'm truly sorry about that. It's not that I don't smoke as much, because I definitely do, but between my boyfriend, school, work, and homework, I just don't have the time. I hope you all don't hate me. I truly loved writing this, and perchance I will show up here every now and again like I just did, but for now, wish me luck as a writer ok?

Just to let you all know: this new medication doesn't seem to be working, I am still struggling with my depression but I'm hoping to overcome it so I can share my life with the Italian. I'm still working, still writing, still toiling away, but just know I miss you all.