Now, most stoners are known for fast food binges and junk food overload, and while I have been known to eat a one pound bag of Sour Patch Kids in one sitting, but I honestly prefer to snack on fruit all day long. People think because I'm naturally thin I can afford to binge on junk all day and not pay for it-- NOT TRUE! I may be able to fit into my jeans the next day, but I can't walk up two flights of stairs without feeling a burn and being out of breath (and before you blame the smoking, I have an amazing lung capacity and function, so there). So I'm trying to reform my eating, starting with breakfast, focusing on those mornings where I don't eat anything at all... which is most mornings.
I was reading Happy Brittany's smoothie-centric blog and was inspired! Spinach! Almonds! Cucumbers!? Avocados!? After I adjusted to the positivity-overload (much-needed at the time!) I was a little intimidated-- I'm no natural in the kitchen. I mean, I can cook, but I'm not good with flavors and mixing and matching and all that. This week, I'm starting small, fruits, yogurt, milk, etc. Next week, maybe I'll throw in some flax seed.
Today's ingredients: frozen blueberries, banana, almond butter, raw almonds, vanilla yogurt, 2% milk, a little sugar.

Today's results: HOLY ALMOND BATMAN. Relatively boring as for flavor, but I'm gonna feel like Batman after I drink it.

Okay, enough typing, more doing.
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