I am in love. And I haven't been in love with a pair of sunglasses in a while (since my pink Prada sunnies, pictured). They are perfection. They scream style. See, when I'm browsing the internet while I'm hitting the bong, I read a ton of fashion blogs, fashion business blogs, and other street style sites. Seriously, online shopping and smoking is to me, as a summer pastime is to America (God, I love analogies). So, to continue my gushing...
One of our frequent customers where I work came in wearing a pair today. She looked flawless. Except, she always does, and always has something I covet. Anyway, it cemented my NEED for these glasses. So how am I going to afford them? I can charge them next month and pay it off over the next six weeks, or... I think that's the only option. The one problem is I don't always get scheduled for 30+ hours, so I can't actively depend on a paycheck. If I could, things would go something like this...
Typical paycheck for 30-36 hours:
$420 (l swear that's the average, I'm not being cheesy) before taxes, so that'll end up like...
$360 (I swallow the loss, it pays for medical services I use), I'd split it up as such:
$60 for weed
$40 for the week
$100 credit card payment,
$135 into savings
$25 to internet bill every other week
Except, shit never goes like that, cause when I get the big paychecks I have to do the shit I couldn't pay for during the week. Like laundry ($12), groceries ($30-$60 a week), and things like toilet paper and trash bags ($5-$15). And you know, I should be going to yoga once a week ($12 a session). So, factoring in my credit card bill, I can get them in like 6 weeks, but obviously the goal is to be debt free and put that money into savings for future rent and student loan payments. I keep pushing paying it off every month, and I was soooo close, If I hadn't put anything on my card, I'd have it paid off, get the Pradas in 3 weeks and then save up. Yeah, didn't happen. First I needed groceries, then I paid for my bus tickets to NYC, and then Nine West had a sale. I shop too much, but they really were perfect, versatile, and classic, aaaand only $30. So, I've racked up some change on that card. And let's not think about when I'd be able to afford these sunnies if/when I put a plane ticket on it.
The point of all this rambling is, I'm on top of shit. How many stoners can say that? And I think I deserve a luxury good now and then. Whether it's hats, sneakers, hoodies, paraphernalia, or a ridiculous pair of sunglasses.
Stay Stoned ♥
Ahhh! P.S. Blazing Life has a Twitter!! http://twitter.com/Blazing_Life Follow me!