Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Who the hell said stoners were lazy?

BUSY is the name of the game folks. Even with my other half in the LDN I'm constantly on the go. Today is my second day at my internship and I'm sitting here blogging. Ha.

Today I helped shoot promo material, timed another promo shoot, and did little odds and errands. It's actually pretty fun, and a hell of a lot more enjoyable than work.

Tomrrow is my day off. Thank the Lord, I really--

I saved this is in my drafts and it's Saturday now. Tomorrow I'm supposed to move all my stuff out of my room but, I hurt my knee so I don't know exactly how well that's going to go. I need to get someone to help me out... Struggles. I need to do laundry realllllllly badly. Ugh, the stairs are going to kill my knee tomorrow. I don't see how on earth I can get better when I still have to move and work and have no days to rest.

I just called into see about shortening my shift. Wish me luck. I'm going a little bit crazy here. I need to pick up today. The stress of my knee, moving, work and interning is ridiculous. And missing my boyfriend is a full time job that never really gets any easier.

Wait and see as this story develops...

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