Friday, September 5, 2008

Ikea fucking sucks.

So I thought Ikea would be some magical wonderland of cheap furniture, but unfortunately it was a warehouse of anxiety. I almost cried. Anyways, they didn't have the desk I wanted. Which actually turned out to be okay because I am confident I would never have been able to put it together. I put together my desk somehow, but not after breaking one of the pieces in half and completely ignoring the directions. I spent 3 hours last night and a good 2 this morning putting it together. I got high and it went much better this morning. I don't know if I was supposed to have this many pieces left over though...

But I mean... whatever. My room is looking pretty good if I do say so myself. It's been a little stoner project in the making for months. I have a smoking area of my room! It's very "me." And of course I have something Beatles and all my favorite posters. I'll be posting pictures soon!

I'm fucking hungry. This weed I bought is amazing. It was worth the trek to Jamaica Plain. I've been in this weird mood lately. Ugh, I hope I snap out of it.

1 comment:

Rose Hips said...

This reminds me of when I bought my desk. From Target. It took me about 2 months to put it ALL together and put it mostly together whilst enjoying much gin and tonic. :) Oh and I think Ikea is terrifying too!