Thursday, November 6, 2008

post-election madness.

I must have caught it somehow, I don't know. I'm doing crazy things. Other people are too. The NYTimes being sold on eBay for over $400. WTF. I mean, it's history but you assholes don't appreciate us! If you bought the paper more often we would have had enough copies! Ungrateful! We put the news out 24/7 and it's just take take take. Blah. Writings my only hope, haha, I suck at math and science. CNNs holograms were scary as shit too. I was so high and just freaking.

On a tangent...

Has anyone noticed lately how Post Secret has had a lot of marijuana related secrets laltely? The hemphead one is my favorite, check them out:

I'm also going to celebrate question 2 all day long. I'm two joints deep tonight and counting. You stay sassy Boston.

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