Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy take-land-that-isn't-yours-and-fuck-over-the-natives day

Happy Thanksgiving ya'll. I hope you're all enjoying your time with your families and whatnot. I'll be working at the unnamed coffee shop in which I work from 1:30-7. Time and a half. baby!

Anyways, I just wanted to take a moment to tell you guys what I'm thankful for:

-Passage of Question 2
-Medicinal Marijuana
-My family
-You! My readers! (I see you MassArt! and Paris! and NorthEastern! and UT Austin! and whoever in Tewksbury, MA!)
-My scholarships and grants
-My amazing friends
-Everything I have.

I've come a long way, and I only hope that throughout my life I can help others and accomplish something worthwhile.

Now, back to smoking resin and making potato bake and getting ready for work.


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