Saturday, March 21, 2009

100/Big News.

This is my 100th post! I've been blogging here since last summer and it's been a ton of fun. I have 8 people following me on google reader and according to my site tracker, readers all over the world, nearly 200 of you per week! I just wanted to take a moment to say thanks to all of my readers. I wish I could smoke a fatty with all of you, but uhm, you know, I'm broke and lost my job and shit. But if you wanna smoke me out I'd be happy to accompany you :)

Now, for some big news! Massachusetts has two bills, one in the house and one in the senate for medical marijuana and for the legalization of marijuana! Now, who knows if they'll pass, but this is a big step in the right direction.

For those of you in Massachusetts, There's going to be a protest on the 31st of this month protesting Senator Scott Brown's Marijuana RE-criminalization Bill, facebook event here if you're interested:, I have class, or otherwise I'd be there, but you all should consider getting high and going. Could be fun?

Here are the links to the bills if you want to read them, personally I think anxiety should be covered in the medical bill, and the $150-250 tax per ounce lowered, but it's a start.

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